
Five Signs It May Be Time For a Facelift

Facelifts have consistently remained one of the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures from year to year. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (the biggest professional organization for plastic surgeons in the United States) reported that more than 125,000 facelift procedures were performed in 2015 by its member surgeons, making it the sixth most popular cosmetic surgical procedure for that year. Our surgeons at Jefferson Plastic Surgery have seen this same trend within our practice.

If you are looking in the mirror and wondering if it may be time for you to join the ranks of those who have undergone a facelift procedure, you are not alone. What signs should you look for as indications it is time to book a consultation appointment? Here are five signs our surgeons suggest might indicate it is time to consider a facelift procedure.

Looking Older than You Feel

When we were younger, we desperately wanted to look more mature. Of course, now that we have reached that point, we now want to look more youthful, particularly if we still feel younger. You may be much more active than your parents, but still struggle with the fact that people mistake you for being older than you feel. It may be time to consider a facelift to let your outer appearance be as youthful as your inner self.

Less Invasive Procedures Stop Working

Many patients looking for facial rejuvenation start with either dermal fillers to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes and mouth, or Botox for deeper lines and furrows on the forehead or between the brows. Unfortunately, neither of these treatments is permanent. While you can undergo another round of treatment once the previous one wears off, you may eventually want a more permanent solution, which can only be achieved from a facelift procedure.

Deep Lines and Wrinkles

Have you noticed significant deep lines and wrinkles on your face, such as lines leading from the outer corners of your mouth down your chin (marionette lines)? A facelift procedure can smooth out those deep lines and wrinkles to give your skin a more even, youthful appearance, without looking overly tight and artificial.

Noticeably Sagging Skin

Sagging skin as we age is a result of collagen loss in the face. Collagen is a protein the body forms in order to fill out the skin over the skeletal framework. Once the body loses collagen, particularly in the face, it can leave you with sagging, excess skin. Although dermal fillers can help, they are not designed to replace large amounts of collagen. A facelift can get rid of the excess skin and underlying tissue.

Hollowed and Gaunt Appearance

A hollowed and gaunt appearance also results from collagen loss of the face. It often shows up in the cheekbones in terms of lack of volume and fullness. A facelift can help by lifting up some of the underlying tissue that has sagged, in order to give the cheeks more volume.

Deciding to undergo a facelift procedure can be a daunting process. However, there are some indicators that can help you determine if this procedure is right for you. Our staff is happy to help you see what can be done to help you meet your goals of achieving a more youthful appearance to your face. 

Questions? Email us today.

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Jefferson Plastic Surgery is located on the corner of 9th and Walnut streets in Center City, Philadelphia on the 15th floor of the Wills Eye Hospital Building.

Jefferson Plastic Surgery
840 Walnut Street - 15th Floor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
Phone: (215) 625-6630
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