
Avoiding the Need for Revision Cosmetic Surgery with Post-surgical Care

Given the large number of people electing to undergo cosmetic surgery, it should come as no surprise that these patients all want the best possible outcome from their procedures. They may select the cosmetic surgeons at Jefferson Plastic Surgery because of their extensive experience and training in performing the procedure they want to have done. Those patients who come to see us have very high expectations for the outcome of their cosmetic surgical procedures.

However, patients may not realize that a good outcome depends as much on them as it does the surgeon’s skills and expertise. Taking proper care both before and after the procedure will go a long way toward avoiding the need for a second, or revision, surgery. Our surgeons have several tips that we recommend to patients to minimize any complications during surgery, as well as shorten the healing time afterward.

Before and After Cosmetic Surgery

Believe it or not, patients need to start taking proper care of their bodies before undergoing cosmetic surgery in order to avoid complications afterward that may lead to the need for a revision surgical procedure.

Keep hydrated: Proper hydration starting two to three weeks before the procedure will not only reduce the risk of excessive bleeding during the procedure, it will also cut down on the risk of infection, as well as help patients avoid nausea and vomiting after surgery.

Stop smoking and alcohol consumption: For those patients who have been considering stopping smoking or consuming alcohol, this is a good time to do so. Patients should avoid smoking and drinking alcohol starting at least three weeks before the procedure and then (hopefully) quitting for good. If patients do want to resume, they should wait at least four weeks after surgery to give the body proper time to heal. Cigarettes and alcohol can not only dehydrate the body and lengthen healing time, but may also increase bleeding risk during the surgery itself. Patients undergoing facial procedures should know that cigarette smoke in particular can lead to poor wound healing and excessive scarring.

Proper nutrition and supplements: In addition to increasing water consumption, patients should also increase the amount of protein in their diet. This will help reduce the risk of bleeding, as well as anemia. Patients should also start taking the herb Arnica montana starting two weeks before surgery and continue until two to three weeks thereafter. Arnica montana reduces the amount and duration of bruising and swelling following surgery.

Prescription and over the counter medications: In general, our surgeons suggest taking most prescription medications as recommended. However, certain medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories (Motrin, Advil, aspirin) should be avoided starting two weeks before the surgery until two weeks thereafter, due to an increased risk for bleeding. Our surgeons also recommend avoiding Vitamin E, as it may lead to poor wound healing and excessive scarring.

In some cases, a revision procedure may be unavoidable. However, most of the time, patient self-care starting before the cosmetic surgery can go a long way to reducing the necessity for a second surgical procedure. 

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Jefferson Plastic Surgery is located on the corner of 9th and Walnut streets in Center City, Philadelphia on the 15th floor of the Wills Eye Hospital Building.

Jefferson Plastic Surgery
840 Walnut Street - 15th Floor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
Phone: (215) 625-6630
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