
Breast Augmentation Candidates

Breast augmentation is a very personal procedure. Each patient should carefully consider why she wants to undergo treatment, how she wants the results to look, and whether the procedure is best for her needs. Patients should also meet with a qualified plastic surgeon to determine if they are good candidates for this type of surgery. Most candidates for breast augmentation should meet the following guidelines.

Be in Good General Health

The health of the patient is important. There are certain conditions and lifestyles that make surgery more dangerous, such as high blood pressure, low blood pressure, smoking, etc. These conditions do not necessarily preclude a patient from being a breast augmentation candidate, but surgeons prefer patients who are physically healthy and are less likely to experience complications during or after surgery. When a patient goes in for a consultation, one of the first things the plastic surgeon will review is the patient’s health history. Patients should be forthcoming and honest about their health history to make sure surgery is safe.

Realistic Expectations

Patients should have realistic expectations about the outcome of their surgery. Patients who go into this process expecting the impossible are destined to be disappointed when they see the final results. If the patient is realistic about what the finished product will look like and the results that can be achieved, they are more likely to be considered a good candidate for surgery. Patients should communicate their expectations to the plastic surgeon during the pre-surgical consultation to make sure everyone is on the same page.

Breasts Are Finished Developing

Some teenagers see their friends or adult women around them who have large, full breasts and want to achieve the same look. However, it is important to keep in mind that a young adult woman’s breasts may not be fully developed. In addition, the aging process and weight fluctuations can cause the breasts to increase in cup size and change shape. If a woman’s body is finished developing and she is at a stable weight, she is more likely to be a good candidate for breast augmentation surgery.

Concern about the Size and Shape of the Breasts

Good candidates for breast augmentation surgery have a real and personal concern about the size and/or shape of the breasts. It is important that a patient gets an augmentation because she wants to, not because someone else wants her to.

Breasts Are Not the Same Size

Some women’s breasts are simply not the same size. If they differ in size dramatically, she might be a good candidate for breast augmentation surgery that can make both of her breasts the same size, for a more natural look. If the breasts did not develop normally during puberty, this can result in an undesirable shape or unevenness that can be corrected with breast augmentation surgery.

For more information about plastic surgery, patients should call the experts at Jefferson Plastic Surgery. Any of the staff members at the office would be happy to schedule an appointment or answer any questions.

Questions? Email us today.

To make or reschedule an appointment please complete the form below or call:  (215) 625-6630.

CALL US TODAY: (215)625-6630


Jefferson Plastic Surgery is located on the corner of 9th and Walnut streets in Center City, Philadelphia on the 15th floor of the Wills Eye Hospital Building.

Jefferson Plastic Surgery
840 Walnut Street - 15th Floor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
Phone: (215) 625-6630
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