
Liposuction for the Calves

While it is not that unusual for people to have large calf muscles, particularly if they do exercises that specifically work the lower legs, there may also be excess fat deposits that gather in the calf area. Excess fat on the calves can make it difficult to fit into boots (especially those that zip, button, or snap, rather than lace, to close), socks, and pants that are tapered at the ankle.

Our staff at Jefferson Plastic Surgery has consulted a number of patients who are interested in liposuction to provide them with slimmer, shapelier legs with better calf definition. Liposuction can also be performed on other areas of the legs, such as the knees or the inner and outer thighs, in order to provide overall improvement to the shape of the legs. To schedule a consultation and find out if you are a good candidate for liposuction of the calves, contact our Philadelphia, PA practice today.

Calf Liposuction Procedure

Unfortunately, excess fat in the calves is often due to genetics rather than lifestyle, so people who are active may still have excess fat deposits on the calves. The good news, however, is that because the calves are a relatively small area compared to the abdomen or buttocks, just a small amount of fat removal can make a dramatic change in the shape of the lower legs.

The surgeon will begin by making a series of small incisions in the calf area. A thin metal tube, called a cannula, will then be used to gently vacuum out the fat. In the case of the calves, a technique called tumescent liposuction is often used, due to the fact that some fat deposits can be difficult to reach by means of traditional liposuction. In this technique, the surgeon will begin by injecting a mixture of a local anesthetic and epinephrine into various locations of excess fat deposits. This will cause the fat cells to swell and move closer to the surface of the skin, making them easier to remove. MicroAire’s PAL® LipoSculptor™, which uses a reciprocating motion at its tip to remove fat.


As with a liposuction procedure for other parts of the body, patients must wear special compression garments for the first two weeks following calf liposuction. This will help reduce the amount and duration of bruising and swelling after surgery. Ice and cold compresses will also help with bruising and swelling once the incisions have healed over.

Patients should expect to be able to return to normal daily activities, such as driving, after one week. Light exercise, including walking or yoga, can be resumed after three to four weeks, and a regular exercise routine can be started up again by six to eight weeks.

Many of the patients who come to us for a consultation already follow a wellness lifestyle with plenty of exercise and a sensible low-fat diet. Nevertheless, they may still be unhappy with the shape of their lower legs. Fortunately, calf liposuction can get their legs looking as good as the rest of their body. 

Questions? Email us today.

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Jefferson Plastic Surgery is located on the corner of 9th and Walnut streets in Center City, Philadelphia on the 15th floor of the Wills Eye Hospital Building.

Jefferson Plastic Surgery
840 Walnut Street - 15th Floor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
Phone: (215) 625-6630
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