
Numbness after a Tummy Tuck Procedure

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeon’s (ASPS) annual member survey, tummy tuck procedures (abdominoplasty) were one of the top 10 most popular cosmetic surgical procedures. For 2014, more than 117,000 tummy tuck procedures were performed by ASPS member cosmetic surgeons. This represented a 5 percent increase from the previous year. 

Many of the tummy tuck patients who come to Jefferson Plastic Surgery for their consultation and procedure have already committed themselves to a consistent weight loss plan involving regular exercise and a sensible, balanced diet. A tummy tuck procedure will put the finishing touches on the results of all of their hard work so that they can proudly show off their new figure to friends and family. Because of this, it is perfectly understandable for patients to be eager to see the final results from their procedure. However, the staff at Jefferson Plastic Surgery cautions patients to be patient as they recover from surgery, and to expect certain side effects, such as numbness around the abdominal area.

Tummy Tuck Procedure

A tummy tuck procedure is designed to remove excess loose skin and underlying tissue from the abdominal area following substantial weight loss. The procedure can be done alone or in conjunction with an abdominal liposuction procedure to remove stubborn pockets of fat.

For a lower abdominal tummy tuck, a long horizontal incision is made from one hipbone across to the other. The skin and underlying tissue are then lifted away, tightened, and sutured back into place. If the upper abdomen also requires work, a second, vertical incision is made from just under the breastbone down to the middle of the horizontal incision. The upper abdominal muscles are then also pulled tight and sutured together.

Numbness after a Tummy Tuck Procedure

Believe it or not, numbness following a tummy tuck procedure is actually a part of the body’s natural healing process. Whenever an incision is made into the body, a certain number of nerves that carry sensations to and from the incision site will be severed. It takes time for the body to either re-establish those neural pathways or create new ones. Experiencing burning, itching, or numbness are all part of the body’s way of fixing the broken nerve pathways.

How Long Will the Numbness Last?

Although the time it takes for neural pathways to be re-established will vary from patient to patient, almost all sensation will usually return within 12 months of surgery. In general, the area around the belly button may take the longest to re-establish sensation.

There are a number of simple at-home remedies that patients can use to help along the neural healing process. Once the incisions are completely healed over, and any remaining sutures and drains have been removed, gently massage the areas of the abdomen that feel numb. A variety of different textures, such as a wash cloth, towel, or cotton sheet, gently rubbed across the numb areas will also help stimulate neural regeneration.

It may be tempting to resume normal activities after a tummy tuck procedure. However, the body is still healing. This is the time to be patient, which will lead to far better results in the long run. 

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Jefferson Plastic Surgery is located on the corner of 9th and Walnut streets in Center City, Philadelphia on the 15th floor of the Wills Eye Hospital Building.

Jefferson Plastic Surgery
840 Walnut Street - 15th Floor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
Phone: (215) 625-6630
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