
Should You Combine a Facelift with a Chemical Peel?

There is no doubt that cosmetic facial procedures are popular. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons’ (ASPS) annual survey, more than 100,000 facelift procedures were performed by ASPS member surgeons in 2013. This was up by 6 percent from the previous year. Chemical peels were even more popular in 2013, with more than 1 million procedures being performed. This number was 3 percent higher than the previous year.

Given the continued popularity of both facelifts and chemical peels, there may be some confusion as to which procedure will produce the best results for patients. Some patients may even want to combine both procedures at the same time. The truth is that each procedure is designed to correct different problems with the appearance of the face. The staff at Jefferson Plastic Surgery is often asked if these two procedures can be combined. First, it is important to understand the reasons for each procedure.

Facelift Procedure

A facelift procedure is designed to firm up sagging skin on the face due to aging. As the body ages, it loses collagen, which is a natural protein in the body designed to fill out the skin over the skeletal frame. If this collagen is lost from the face, the result will be excess, loose skin, particularly around the jawline and chin.

In a facelift procedure, an incision is made just in front of the hairline. The skin and underlying tissue is then gently lifted away, pulled tight, re-draped over the facial muscles, and sutured back into place. Excess skin is then removed. Patients can have either a full or a partial facelift, depending upon their goals for the procedure.

Chemical Peel Procedure

A chemical peel is designed to smooth out blemishes, pitting, minor scars, freckles, or sun damage on the face. Like a facelift, a chemical peel is also an outpatient procedure. The chemical peel will allow new, smoother skin to replace irregularities in the old facial skin.

In a chemical peel procedure, a solution (glycolic, trichloroacetic, salicylic, lactic, or carbolic acid) is applied to the portions of the face that are to be treated. This chemical solution will remove the top layer of skin. As the skin heals, new, unblemished skin will replace the old skin.

Can a Facelift and a Chemical Peel Be Combined?

The staff at Jefferson Plastic Surgery does not recommend combining a facelift with a chemical peel procedure. Both procedures put a great deal of stress on the skin and the underlying tissue. Attempting to undergo both procedures at the same time will very likely lead to poor, prolonged wound healing and excessive scarring. It is recommended for patients to stage the procedures several months apart, to ensure the skin has properly healed from the facelift before undergoing the chemical peel procedure.

Although patients may be frustrated by having to wait between procedures, it is best to be patient and allow the body to properly heal from the first procedure before undergoing the second one. The results will be much more satisfying in the long run. 

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840 Walnut Street - 15th Floor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
Phone: (215) 625-6630
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