
A Timeline for KYBELLA® Results

At Jefferson Plastic Surgery, we are proud to offer patients different kinds of treatments to address their needs. While surgical procedures can work wonders in terms of sculpting and enhancing a patient's figure, sometimes non-surgical approaches are more ideal. There's no downtime, no scarring, and no interruption of daily life. 

When dealing with double chins and problematic facial fat at our Philadelphia, PA center, we often consider KYBELLA® cosmetic fat reduction. KYBELLA® injections can make this unwanted facial fat disappear, with remarkable cosmetic outcomes. The results do take time, however. That's why we'd like to offer a simple KYBELLA® timeline so patients can understand when they will see results.

How KYBELLA® Works

KYBELLA® is a cosmetic treatment that makes facial fat disappear from around the neckline. The results are permanent, meaning that once KYBELLA® has worked on a patient's double chin, the double chin will not come back later in life. Multiple KYBELLA® sessions will be required to achieve the final results.

The Initial Consultation

The first part of the KYBELLA® process is the initial consultation. During this time, our team can assess fat distribution around the double chin and determine if KYBELLA® is right for you. Good candidates for KYBELLA® will have a localized pocket of fat causing a double chin.

If a patient is a good candidate for KYBELLA®, a treatment plan can be devised. If the patient is not a good candidate for KYBELLA®, an alternative treatment will be considered.

The First KYBELLA® Session

The first KYBELLA® session will involve multiple injections around the patient's chin and neckline, targeting the unwanted fat located there. The precise location of the injections will be customized to the needs of the patient.

On average, a KYBELLA® treatment session only takes about 20 minutes. Following the KYBELLA® session, patients can return to work, though they are advised to avoid strenuous physical exertion, sun exposure, and alcohol for the next 24 hours.

Scheduling Additional KYBELLA® Sessions

On average, patients will require six KYBELLA® sessions in order to achieve the best possible results. Each KYBELLA® session is usually spaced a month apart in order to ensure the prior KYBELLA® injection has run its course.

The exact number of KYBELLA® treatments for you can be discussed as part of the consultation process.

Four to Six Weeks: KYBELLA® Results First Appear

By the second KYBELLA® session, patients should begin to see the first results of treatment. There will be a slight reduction in the size and appearance of the patient's double chin. While the results are not necessarily drastic when compacted to the final results, the initial reduction of fat will serve as a sign that the KYBELLA® procedure is working as intended.

Additional Improvements in the Weeks Ahead

From week seven on, patients should notice a reduction in the size of their double chin, with improvements becoming noticeable as the KYBELLA® procedures continue. By the third or fourth session, patients should see a major difference in their double chin compared to how it looked before starting KYBELLA®.

The Final Results of KYBELLA® Treatment

The final results of KYBELLA® treatment will usually be visible by the end of six to seven months. By that time, the cosmetic surgeon should be able to virtually eliminate the patient's double chin, giving the patient's face a slimmer and more vibrant appearance.

Schedule a Consultation for KYBELLA®

If you are interested in KYBELLA® and would like to learn more about how it can help you with your needs, contact Jefferson Plastic Surgery today. We will be more than happy to answer your questions and address your concerns.

Questions? Email us today.

To make or reschedule an appointment please complete the form below or call:  (215) 625-6630.

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Jefferson Plastic Surgery is located on the corner of 9th and Walnut streets in Center City, Philadelphia on the 15th floor of the Wills Eye Hospital Building.

Jefferson Plastic Surgery
840 Walnut Street - 15th Floor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
Phone: (215) 625-6630
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