
Treatment for “Smoker’s Lines” Around the Mouth

It should come as no surprise that smoking cigarettes is bad for general overall health. Smoking has been connected to pulmonary issues, including emphysema, and heart problems such as atherosclerosis and high blood pressure, as well as high cholesterol levels. Additionally, because it is addictive, smokers also must contend with the cycle of craving and withdrawal common to all addictive substances. However, many smokers may not know that smoking is also very bad for the skin.

How Does Smoking Cause Lines Around the Mouth?

Smoking may cause premature aging and drying of the skin. It may also speed up loss of collagen, a natural protein found in the body that is vital for forming connections between joints and filling out the skin over the skeletal structure. We all lose collagen in our bodies as we age, but nicotine in cigarettes, cigars, and pipes may accelerate the process. This can most often be seen around the lips and nostrils, an area known as the naso-labial folds. The lips may appear thinner, with deep creases and lines around them, leading up to the nostrils. Furthermore, the pucker action of the lips required for inhaling tobacco products can also deepen lines. The cumulative effect is a facial expression that looks angry, old, and tired.

How to Avoid Smoker’s Mouth

Although most smokers have probably heard it again and again, one of the best ways to stop smoker’s lines from forming around the mouth and nose is to quit smoking. However, using a high SPF sunscreen and collagen-enhancing moisturizers (such as those with Retinol) may help stop the problem from getting worse. Certain facial muscle exercises may also help. That being said, the easiest way to avoid smoker’s mouth is simply to not start smoking in the first place.

Best Cosmetic Treatments for Smoker’s Mouth

Dermabrasion and chemical peels will remove the top layer of skin. Since many of the fine lines are usually only in that top dermal layer, either of these procedures might provide an excellent way to reduce or remove lines around the mouth.

In some cases, dermal fillers injected around the mouth can plump up the skin, removing the appearance of lines around the lips and nose. Some dermal fillers can also be injected directly into the lips to fill them back out without the overdone “duck” appearance. Depending on the type of dermal filler, effects may last anywhere from 18 to 24 months.

A facelift procedure might remove lines around the mouth and nose, depending upon the technique that is used and which parts of the face are lifted. Patients should discuss this with the surgeons at Jefferson Plastic Surgery Center if this is one of their goals from a facelift procedure.

Regardless of which cosmetic procedure patients select, it is the perfect time to quit smoking for good, starting at least three weeks before undergoing the procedure. Nicotine may cause excessive bleeding, which can cause serious risks both during and after the procedure. In the case of dermabrasion, chemical peeling, and facelift procedures, continuing smoking can also inhibit proper skin and wound healing, which could lead to excessive pitting or scarring.

To schedule a consultation, contact Jefferson Plastic Surgery today.

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840 Walnut Street - 15th Floor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
Phone: (215) 625-6630
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