
Warning Signs after Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery is every bit as complex as surgery that is medically necessary, and should be taken just as seriously, particularly during the crucial, initial healing phase. Although the chances of developing complications following surgery are minimal, they can detrimentally affect the final outcome from your procedure, and have serious, life threatening consequences.

Here, our surgeons at Jefferson Plastic Surgery in Philadelphia, PA have compiled a list of some of the warning signs to watch out for after plastic surgery. If any of these occur, you should call our offices right away for a follow up appointment with your surgeon.

Severe Pain and Discomfort

You should expect a certain amount of pain for at least the first week following your surgical procedure. That is a natural part of the healing process. Your surgeon will most likely have either provided you with a prescription for pain medication or directed you to take over the counter painkillers.

If you are still experiencing severe pain despite the medication, or the pain persists past your first week after your surgery, you should come back to see your surgeon.

Excessive Swelling

Swelling is one of the most common side effects following any surgical procedure. It is part of the body’s natural defense process to isolate the area where it has been cut open, in order to prevent any possibility of infection spreading to the rest of the body.

Swelling will usually last for about 10 days to two weeks after surgery. If swelling at your incision sites persists beyond that, particularly if the area feels hot and tender to the touch, or looks red, you may have developed an infection and should see your surgeon immediately.

Bruising That Does Not Fade

Bruising is also to be expected for about 10 days to two weeks following any surgery. Similar to swelling, it helps isolate the area of the incision from potentially spreading infection to the rest of the body.

If your bruising does not fade, starts to spread or becomes hard, it may be turning into a hematoma, which happens when blood begins to pool, but won’t drain. This may require another procedure to drain the hematoma so that a clot does not form.

Excessive Bleeding

There will be some bleeding at your incision sites for the first day or two following your surgery. However, if the bleeding does not stop after those first few days, it may delay the time it takes for your incisions to heal, which could ultimately lead to excessive scarring.

The best time to stop excessive bleeding actually starts before your surgery. You should stop taking any blood-thinner medication at least two weeks prior to surgery, as well as avoid any alcohol consumption.

It is understandable that you will be excited to show off the results from your surgery to your friends and family. However, it is also important to be aware of anything out of the ordinary so that you can get the best possible results from your procedure.

Questions? Email us today.

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Jefferson Plastic Surgery is located on the corner of 9th and Walnut streets in Center City, Philadelphia on the 15th floor of the Wills Eye Hospital Building.

Jefferson Plastic Surgery
840 Walnut Street - 15th Floor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
Phone: (215) 625-6630
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