
Blog: Breast

Posted on October 27, 2018 in Breast

You have likely noticed more people wearing pink and discussing breast cancer this month, and there’s a reason for it. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an annual campaign to raise awareness about the condition and help raise funds for cancer research and treatment.

Posted on October 6, 2018 in Breast

One of the more common misconceptions that our prospective patients have when they come in for a consultation is that a breast augmentation would not be advisable if they are overweight.

Posted on September 29, 2018 in Breast

If you are pregnant with your first child, you may not know what to expect. If you are used to being fit, with a regular exercise routine, your growing breasts and stomach can come as somewhat of a shock.

Posted on September 13, 2018 in Breast

For years, one of the surest ways to treat sagging breasts was breast lift surgery. For more dramatic results, a combined breast augmentation with lift could be performed.

Posted on August 22, 2018 in Breast

When your breasts are too large, they can cause a number of problems that impact your health, appearance, and self-esteem.

Posted on June 7, 2018 in Breast

You’ve been nothing but thrilled with your breast augmentation surgery. It boosted your confidence and made you feel more comfortable with who you are.


CALL US TODAY: (215)625-6630


Jefferson Plastic Surgery is located on the corner of 9th and Walnut streets in Center City, Philadelphia on the 15th floor of the Wills Eye Hospital Building.

Jefferson Plastic Surgery
840 Walnut Street - 15th Floor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
Phone: (215) 625-6630
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