
Open Your Eyes to the Results from Eyelid Surgery

An eyelid cosmetic surgical procedure (blepharoplasty) can remove circles and bags from the lower eyelids, or remove puffiness and excess loose skin from the upper eyelids. The end result is eyes that look more awake, refreshed, and alert. As you might expect, eyelid surgery tends to be more popular among older patients who are looking for ways to rejuvenate their facial appearance. It is not surprising, therefore, that many of the eyelid surgery patients who come to Jefferson Plastic Surgery are eager to show off their new, more youthful appearance. However, to experience the best results, it is vital that patients give the body the time it needs to properly heal. Here is an overview of how long it takes to see the results of eyelid surgery.

First One to Two Weeks after Surgery

The first couple of weeks are the crucial initial healing stages following eyelid surgery. Proper care during this time will help you achieve better results from the procedure, a shorter overall healing time, and less scarring.

Most of the bruising and swelling that will take place after surgery will happen during these first two weeks. Bruising and swelling are a normal part of the healing process, in which the body attempts to minimize the damage done to the surrounding tissue and blood vessels. Once the incisions have healed over, frozen gel packs and cold compresses can be placed over the closed eyes to reduce the amount and duration of bruising and swelling. Taking the herb Arnica montana may also help.

Two to Four Weeks after Surgery

Any non-dissolvable sutures will be taken out by the end of the second week, at which point patients should take care to reduce sun exposure so that any scarring will not noticeably stand out from the surrounding skin. Oversized sunglasses and a sun blocker with a high SPF will help minimize sun exposure around the eye area.

By this time, patients should easily be able to return to their normal routines of driving, shopping, and going to school or work. A light exercise routine, such as yoga or walking, can be started by the third week after surgery. Because all of the initial bruising and swelling should be gone by this time, patients will finally be able to get their first initial glimpse of the results from their procedure.

One to Two Months after Surgery

Although there may still be some subtle changes after the first month or two, patients should have an idea of the final outcome from surgery by the two-month mark. Patients should also be able to resume a normal exercise routine by this time. By the end of the second month, patients may be able to allow a bit more sun exposure around the eyes, but it is best to continue to use sunglasses and a sunblock until six months after the surgery.

Each of these milestones along the path to full recovery will help patients get the best possible results from their eyelid surgery. The body needs time to properly heal to get the best results. To learn more, contact our practice today.

CALL US TODAY: (215)625-6630


Jefferson Plastic Surgery is located on the corner of 9th and Walnut streets in Center City, Philadelphia on the 15th floor of the Wills Eye Hospital Building.

Jefferson Plastic Surgery
840 Walnut Street - 15th Floor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
Phone: (215) 625-6630
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