Can Breast Tissue Grow Back after a Reduction Procedure?
For many women who elect to undergo a breast reduction procedure, the last thing they expect is the possibility that their breasts might again increase in size, requiring them to undergo a second reduction procedure. Although this particular scenario is not very common, there are some particular circumstances under which this can happen. Our staff at Jefferson Plastic Surgery has dealt with several instances in which women needed another breast reduction procedure. What can cause this to happen, and how can you possibly lower your chances of having your breasts revert back to their size after surgery?
Dramatic Hormonal Shifts
Any dramatic change in hormone levels, particularly in your estrogen levels, might stimulate the production of breast tissue. Such surge in hormone levels can be caused by onset of menopause, particularly if you start hormone replacement therapy to reduce its effects. Conditions such as a hyperactive or hypo-active thyroid may also have an effect on the hormone balance that may stimulate growth of breast tissue. Certain medications that affect the endocrine system can also cause this type of hormone shift.
Pregnancy after Surgery
Our surgeons strongly suggest that you wait until after you are certain that you are done with pregnancy and breastfeeding before undergoing a breast reduction cosmetic surgical procedure. However, we understand that in some cases, you may become pregnant following your reduction surgery. Because your breasts will grow larger as a result of the hormonal changes necessary for lactation, you may end up with your breasts becoming the same size that they were prior to your reduction surgery.
Dramatic Weight Gain
If you are looking to have your breast reduction surgery covered by insurance as medically necessary, you may be required to lose a certain amount of weight before undergoing the surgery, but also maintain a steady weight prior to surgery. The reason for this is that one of the first places where women often lose or gain weight is in their breasts. If you gain a substantial amount of weight following your breast reduction surgery, there is a good chance that your breast tissue will grow back again. Our surgeons suggest sticking to the routine of regular exercise and a balanced, low fat diet that you followed to lose weight before your breast reduction surgery.
Physical Growth in Adolescents
Almost all of the breast reduction surgeries that we perform are for adult females. However, there are cases in which adolescent girls require such a procedure, usually in medically necessary circumstances. Although our surgeons do try to wait until the girl is in late adolescence, when most of the growth spurt has passed, there is still a chance that the breasts are still developing and may continue to grow larger after breast reduction surgery. If this occurs, a second reduction surgery may be needed once the breasts have stopped growing.
Fortunately, cases in which your breasts might grow back to their size prior to reduction surgery are very rare. Our surgeons recommend working to maintain your weight prior to surgery in order to minimize the chances of this happening.