
Breast Augmentation and Exercise

Over the years, the staff at Jefferson Plastic Surgery has seen a number of prospective patients who have worked hard to maintain their physique. If you are one of these women, you generally have a regular exercise routine combined with a sensible, balanced diet. Perhaps your biggest concern is when you will be able to get back to your exercise routine following cosmetic surgery. This can be particularly important if you are considering breast augmentation surgery. If you generally engage in high-impact sports or do heavy weightlifting, you may be concerned about the possibility of putting too much strain or stress on your newly enhanced breasts.

Pay Attention to Your Body

It can certainly be frustrating to suddenly have to take “down time” from your normal exercise routine. Nevertheless, you do need that time to properly heal. It is important to listen to your body in terms of determining when it is safe to return to an exercise routine. Rushing things can actually lead to longer healing times and poor incision closure, with more noticeable scarring. Below is a suggested timeline for safely working out following a breast augmentation procedure. Remember that no two patients are alike, so always pay attention to your body, and go at your own pace.

  • First two weeks after surgery: The first two weeks are the most critical in terms of proper healing. During this time, the body is working to fully heal the incisions, as well as repair what it perceives as damage to the underlying tissue and muscle structures. Our staff strongly suggests that you avoid any strenuous movement during this time that might elevate your blood pressure or heart rate. Doing so will greatly increase blood flow to the surgical sites, which may in turn increase the risk for bleeding and excessive swelling. However, this should not mean that you are expected to stay bedridden. It is important to move around to encourage proper blood flow following surgery. Light walking is encouraged during these first two weeks.
  • Two to three weeks after surgery: By this time, you can typically start a moderate cardio exercise program. This can include yoga, elliptical, or stationary bikes at a light to moderate pace. Slowly ramp up the pace and amount of exercise during this time, so that by week four, you are almost back to your regular routine. It is also important to keep the breasts secure, even for just this level of exercise. You can use the compression garment given to you immediately after surgery. This will hold the breasts securely and prevent unnecessary movement.
  • Four to six weeks after surgery: This is the stage at which you should be back to your usual exercise routine. If you don’t quite feel up to it by this time, ease back a bit. Again, every woman’s healing time varies following breast augmentation, so don’t push too hard to make up for your down time. If you need to purchase new sports bras, get the ones designed for high-impact sports to best hold the newly enlarged breasts in place.

If you are accustomed to a daily workout session, it can seem as though you are slacking by taking time off following breast augmentation surgery. However, taking that down time will give you the best possible results in the long run.

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Jefferson Plastic Surgery is located on the corner of 9th and Walnut streets in Center City, Philadelphia on the 15th floor of the Wills Eye Hospital Building.

Jefferson Plastic Surgery
840 Walnut Street - 15th Floor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
Phone: (215) 625-6630
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