
Liposuction: Not Just for Women

Many men may wish to undergo liposuction to remove their abdominal pooch, love handles, or other area of excess fat. At Jefferson Plastic Surgery, we frequently perform liposuction on male patients.

How Many Men Get Liposuction?

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the largest professional organization for cosmetic surgeons, liposuction was the third most popular cosmetic surgical procedure for men in 2014. More than 210,000 of these procedures were performed by ASPS member surgeons in that year, coming in just behind male breast augmentation and rhinoplasty (nose job).

The Liposuction Procedure

A liposuction procedure is designed to remove stubborn pockets of excess fat that have not responded to a sensible diet and regular exercise. During the liposuction procedure, the surgeon will make a series of small incisions in the areas to be targeted for fat removal. The surgeon will then insert a tin metal tube, called a cannula, through the incisions. The excess fat is then removed from the body by vacuuming it out.

There are some more sophisticated forms of liposuction that may produce better results, including ultrasound-guided liposuction, which can help break the fat up and make it easier to remove. Other types of high tech liposuction include the use of lasers to help melt the body fat, making it easier to remove.

What Are the Most Common Areas Treated?

Liposuction can be performed almost anywhere on the body, including the abdomen, inner and outer thighs, back, knees, and arms. However, the most common areas for male liposuction are the neck and chin, the abdomen, and outer hips and flanks.

In cases of men or boys who have developed overly large breasts (gynecomastia), they may also undergo liposuction to remove excess fat from the breast area. Gynecomastia is considered a medical condition, most often caused by a hormonal imbalance, so patients may be able to have the procedure covered by insurance.

Side Effects from a Liposuction Procedure

Bruising, pain, and swelling around the incision sites are the three most common side effects following a liposuction procedure. Ice and cold compresses can be used to shorten both the duration and amount of bruising and swelling. Using the herb Arnica montana will also help reduce bruising and swelling.

Male patients should be aware that they will likely experience more bruising and swelling than female patients, simply based on the structure of their skin. Men tend to have thicker dermal layers than women, along with more hair follicles. This may mean that it will take extra effort in moving the cannula around to get all of the fat from the targeted area. Male patients should expect to see the bruising and swelling subside within two to three weeks.

Men may be just as concerned as women with their physical appearance. Part of that may include deciding to undergo a liposuction procedure in order to put the finishing touches on all the hard work the patient has put into improving his appearance. To schedule your liposuction consultation, contact Jefferson Plastic Surgery today.

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840 Walnut Street - 15th Floor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
Phone: (215) 625-6630
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