
Pre-op Breast Augmentation Instructions

Deciding whether or not to undergo breast augmentation surgery is a big decision. The procedure will permanently change the patient’s appearance, and she will also need sufficient time to prepare for and recover from surgery. In fact, there are several things patients can do before surgery to make the healing process go more smoothly. Before undergoing a breast augmentation procedure, there are specific instructions that every patient should follow. In this blog post, the plastic surgeons at Jefferson Plastic Surgery in Philadelphia review pre-operative breast augmentation instructions.

Here are the guidelines that will ensure a smoother, more comfortable surgery:

  • Stop smoking. At least one month before surgery, patients who smoke should cease smoking. Patients that smoke are at risk of a slower healing period and post-operative complications, which can lead to a higher chance of scarring and infection. Additionally, patients who smoke have higher blood pressure, which can make any surgery more dangerous. Smoking cessation at least a month before the surgery can prevent these issues.
  • Stop taking any medication that thins the blood. Any patient who regularly takes aspirin, blood thinners, a vitamin E supplement, or ibuprofen should stop taking these medications at least two weeks before surgery. We can advise patients on the pain medications that are safe to take before and after surgery.
  • Fast from midnight onwards the night before the surgery. Patients should not drink or eat anything during this time. Do not drink water, chew gum, or even have a piece of candy. Eating or drinking before surgery could problems with anesthesia.
  • Every patient should arrange for someone to take her home after the surgery. No matter how quickly the anesthesia appears to be wearing off, patients are not coherent enough to drive themselves home after a procedure. This means they need to have someone waiting to take them home. It would also be ideal if that person could stay with the patient for at least a day in order to help administer medications and patient care.
  • Have pre-operation exams. Most surgeons require their patients to have an EKG and blood test before surgery. This helps to show that the patient is healthy enough for surgery. Not having these tests could delay a surgery. Every patient should be sure to get the tests that her doctor requires before the day of the surgery. It could take more than a week to get these results to the surgeon’s office.
  • Patients should call their surgeons if they have questions. While the Internet is a great resource, it is not always the best resource if a patient has a specific question. The best person to call is the surgeon that will be working on the patient. The surgeon understands the health history of each and every patient, and will know how to help each individual prepare for surgery.

For more information on what to do in order to prepare for breast augmentation surgery, patients can contact the experts at Jefferson Plastic Surgery. Our staff can help you prepare for your breast augmentation procedure.

Questions? Email us today.

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Jefferson Plastic Surgery is located on the corner of 9th and Walnut streets in Center City, Philadelphia on the 15th floor of the Wills Eye Hospital Building.

Jefferson Plastic Surgery
840 Walnut Street - 15th Floor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
Phone: (215) 625-6630
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