
Breast Augmentation Recovery Timeline

Women who come to see the surgeons at Jefferson Plastic Surgery about the breast augmentation procedure have already invested time and money in their attempt to improve and enhance the appearance of their breasts. They likely have a lingerie drawer full of discarded, uncomfortable push-up and padded bras, and a bathroom drawer filled with breast firming creams and lotions that did not live up to their promise of larger breasts.

By the time these women decide that they want to undergo a breast augmentation procedure, they may already be excited about showing off their new figure. However, the staff at Jefferson Plastic Surgery cautions patients to slow down their plans for a new summer bikini in favor of focusing on letting their bodies fully heal following surgery. Below is a recovery timeline that will help patients understand what is happening to the body as it is recovering from surgery.

One to Two Weeks after Surgery

This is the most critical part of the recovery timeline, as it is when the body is working hardest to repair the “damage” caused by the incision. Patients should expect there to be some bruising and swelling during this time, as the body is attempting to isolate the areas of the body that have been damaged from healthy, undamaged tissue and skin.

The staff will provide patients with a special compression garment to be worn for the first one to two weeks following surgery. This tightly fitting, elastic garment will reduce the amount and duration of swelling and bruising. The herb Arnica montana, along with cold compresses and frozen gel packs (once the incisions have fully healed over) may also help.

Three to Four Weeks after Surgery

By this time, most of the initial bruising and swelling should have disappeared, so patients can switch from the compression garment to supportive soft-cup bras. Any remaining sutures will usually be removed at this time as well.

Patients should be able to return to their regular activities of driving and going to school or work. They should also start a light exercise routine, such as walking, yoga, or stretching. It is important to maintain the same weight following breast augmentation, as breast skin does not have much elasticity, so any major fluctuations in weight may cause the breast skin to stretch, leading to stretch marks.

One to Two Months after Surgery

By about the fourth to sixth week following surgery, patients should begin to get an idea of what the final outcome of the procedure will look like. The breasts may continue to settle for a few more weeks, depending upon whether the implants were placed in front of (subglandular) or behind (subpectoral) the chest muscles, as well as the implant material, size, and profile (the height of the implant compared to its width).

Patients can safely return to their regular exercise routine by this time. However, they may need to use a compression-style sports bra.

The recovery time following a breast augmentation procedure may seem lengthy. However, allowing the body the time it needs to fully heal is crucial to obtaining the best possible post-surgical results. 

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Jefferson Plastic Surgery is located on the corner of 9th and Walnut streets in Center City, Philadelphia on the 15th floor of the Wills Eye Hospital Building.

Jefferson Plastic Surgery
840 Walnut Street - 15th Floor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
Phone: (215) 625-6630
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