

Breast Implant Settling

Women who come to see the staff at Jefferson Plastic Surgery about getting a breast augmentation have a considerable amount invested in their appearance. In most cases, these patients already have a regular exercise routine, along with a sensible, balanced diet. A breast augmentation procedure is often part of their overall effort to look and feel more attractive. Of course, they will be eager to show off their new look to friends and family, as well as finally be able to feel comfortable in scoop-neck tops and dresses, as well as bathing suits.

However, it is important to be patient with the body following a breast augmentation procedure. The body requires a certain amount of time to heal following any surgical procedure, particularly ones that dramatically change the body’s appearance. In the case of breast augmentation, it means allowing the implants time to settle into their final position.

Reasons for Breast Implant Settling

It is not unusual for patients to initially feel as though their implants were placed too high on the chest. However, patients can rest assured that having the implants initially appear too high is perfectly normal.

When placing the breast implants, the surgeon will make a pocket within the chest muscle and tissue, which will hold the implants in place. Because pectoral muscles are not very elastic, it takes time for them to stretch out to accommodate the pocket and the implant. This is why the implants may initially appear too high. Over time, as the muscle and tissue stretches, the implants will settle, or drop, into their proper position.

Helping Implants Settle Properly

It may take up to three months for the implants to settle into place. The surgeon may have a number of recommendations to help the process along. These can include wearing either an elastic bandage (like an Ace bandage) or a snug-fitting sports bra across the top of the breasts in order to help push the implants down, gently massaging the breasts in a downward position, or sleeping in a prone (face down) position.

What if the Implants Don’t Settle Properly?

In some cases, an excessive amount of scar tissue will build up around the pocket for the implants. This tissue may squeeze the pockets, causing the implants to be forced out of their proper position. If it appears as though the implants have not settled properly after three to four months, patients may need to have their surgeon re-evaluate their progress. At that time, the surgeon may recommend revision surgery, which will involve cutting away some of the scar tissue in order to create enough room for the implants to be properly positioned.

The most important way to help the breast implants settle is simply to be patient and give them time to find their proper position. Ultimately, the results will be worth the wait. To schedule your personal breast augmentation consultation and find out if you are a good candidate for surgery, contact Jefferson Plastic Surgery today. We look forward to meeting you.

CALL US TODAY: (215)625-6630


Jefferson Plastic Surgery is located on the corner of 9th and Walnut streets in Center City, Philadelphia on the 15th floor of the Wills Eye Hospital Building.

Jefferson Plastic Surgery
840 Walnut Street - 15th Floor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
Phone: (215) 625-6630
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