Cosmetic Treatments for the Flanks
Let’s be honest: Excess skin and fat around the flanks can affect your appearance, and even be downright uncomfortable. Excess fat and skin can also bulge out from bra straps and waistbands, and cause chafing where the cloth meets the skin.
The staff at Jefferson Plastic Surgery has seen many patients who are interested in surgical and non-surgical cosmetic treatment for excess skin and fat around the flanks. These patients often exercise regularly and follow a sensible, low fat diet, but have been unable to achieve the contours to their flanks that they desire.
Flank Anatomy
There can often be confusion about which areas of the body are considered the flanks, particularly in terms of cosmetic procedures. As a general rule, the flanks include the sides of the trunk of the body that extend from the last rib down to the hips. Our staff strongly encourages patients to be very specific as to the area of the body they wish to improve. Such a discussion will enable our surgeons to produce the outcome that the patient desires from the procedure.
A liposuction procedure is designed to remove pockets of excess fat that have not responded to diet and exercise. In terms of flank procedures, this can include the hips, waist, and back. This procedure is ideal for those patients who do not also have any excess loose skin or muscle in the flank area. It can also be done alone or in conjunction with liposuction in other areas of the body, such as the stomach, inner or outer thighs, or buttocks.
During this procedure, the surgeon will make small incisions in the area of the flanks targeted for fat removal. A thin metal tube is then inserted through these incisions, and the fat is gently suctioned out. In some cases, tumescent liposuction is performed. In this technique, injections of a topical anesthetic and epinephrine are administered in the treatment area, causing the fat to swell and move closer to the skin surface, making removal easier. Ultrasound, vibration, and lasers can also be used to break up or melt fat, making it easier to remove.
Flank Body Lift
A body flank lift procedure is designed to tighten up excess flabby skin, tissue, and muscles following dramatic weight loss. Although the procedure does not remove excess fat from the flanks, it can be done in conjunction with a liposuction procedure. It can also be performed in conjunction with a body lift procedure on other areas of the body, most commonly the abdomen.
In this procedure, the surgeon will make incisions in the area targeted for body lifting. The skin and underlying tissue are then lifted up. The skin and tissue are then pulled tight over the muscles and sutured back into place.
The truth is that few people are completely happy with their appearance. Cosmetic procedures specifically aimed at the flank area may be a good choice to reduce problem areas. To find out if you are a good candidate for treatment, contact Jefferson Plastic Surgery.