

Face Winter Skin Problems Head On

Even if you live in a northern climate, you may not be aware that winter weather will require a change in your normal, facial skin care routine. The combination of dry winter wind and sunlight can strip your skin dry, leaving it looking red, irritated, and flaky.

What can you do to keep your complexion looking fresh and beautiful even in the harshest of winter conditions? Read further, as the surgeons at Jefferson Plastic Surgery share information about several of the top skin problems that develop as temperatures drop, as well as how you can change your normal skin care routine to protect against cold weather.

Excessive Sun Exposure

We all know about the dangers of excessive exposure to ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) rays from direct sunlight during summer.

However, did you know that your skin can still suffer from too much exposure to UVA during the winter? Because UVA rays have a longer wavelength than UVB rays, they are still damaging, even during winter. In fact, they will pass right through your epidermal outer layer of skin down to the dermal layer, which may lead to skin cancer.

The solution is to follow the same skin care routine as you do during summer. Use sunscreen with a high SPF (sun protection factor) if you will be out in direct sunlight for more than 10 minutes.

Also look for a high-quality moisturizer and foundation makeup that already have sunscreen built in. If it is a sunny day, wear large, wrap-around sunglasses to protect the delicate skin at the outer corner of your eyes.

Dry Skin

The blustery, cold winds of winter can dry out your skin, leaving it feeling tight and flaky. When there is little humidity in the air, any moisture in your skin will quickly evaporate once the cold wind hits it.

The obvious solution to protecting your skin against cold, dry win is to keep it moisturized. The best way to do this is by starting from the inside.

If you keep your entire body hydrated, your skin will also benefit. Aim for approximately 64 ounces (or eight 8-ounce glasses) of water per day.

Additionally, invest in a moisturizer that is heavier than what you normally use. A good tip is to look for one that comes in a jar or tube, as it will have a lower water content than those in a bottle with a pump top. Apply it after your bath or shower.

Chapped Lips

When you change your skin routine for winter, don’t forget about your lips. They can also get dried out and cracked from exposure to cold windy environments, particularly if you enjoy winter sports such as skiing. In some cases, chapped lips may even start to bleed.

Lip balms that include vitamins A and E are designed specifically to soothe and repair damaged lips. If you want to protect your lips against further damage from the winter elements, look for a balm that contains sunscreen. Also apply this to the skin just surrounding your lips to prevent the development of fine lines and wrinkles, which can make your mouth look tight and drawn.

Winter can be a time to gather with friends and family, indulge in your favorite winter sports, or just curl up with a cup of tea and a good book. Unfortunately, it can also expose your face to harsh elemental conditions. Our surgeons suggest changing up your skin care routine for winter to put your best face forward.

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Jefferson Plastic Surgery is located on the corner of 9th and Walnut streets in Center City, Philadelphia on the 15th floor of the Wills Eye Hospital Building.

Jefferson Plastic Surgery
840 Walnut Street - 15th Floor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
Phone: (215) 625-6630
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